Saturday, July 28, 2007

It takes a ? to raise a child - early drafts

It takes a gulag to raise a child
It takes a cultural revolution to raise a child
It takes a federal agency to raise a child
It takes me to raise your child
It takes a socialist to raise a child
It takes a dictator to raise a child
It takes a law to raise a child
It takes a politician to raise a child
It takes a government program to raise a child
It takes what I think to raise your child
It takes my congressional committee to raise a child
It takes something which increases my power base to raise a child
It takes less control from the parent/guardian to raise a child
It takes an adult to raise a child?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Cindy Sheehan on the stump....

Cindy talks, no wait, looks for those hurt by the Bush regime. The throngs of the oppressed gathering at the Sacramento Capitol have been photoshopped out of this photo by the Rovian Main Stream Media. Trust her, there are millions!