Don't be fooled by the Dems responsible sounding jargon. PayGo translates easily to Pig Out, or Piggo! This silliness is suppose to give cover to rasie taxes. "Oh I'm so sorry to raise your taxes, but if we are going to help those suffering from the horrible tragedy of hangnails, we have no choice!" Again, the Dems think the average Joe/Jane is incredibly stupid.
This power grubbing would go until every American is paying the 70% Michael Moore feels is only fair. That my friends is the real threat to freedom: A federal government with a bloated budget, and the desire to decide what the constitution means by the phrase, "pursit of happiness". Shudder.
There is another way. Boring and unglamourous. It is called spending less, or SpendLess. Is there waste in government? It would be hard to find someone who says no. But when was the last time a government agency responded to cuts this way?
"We will reduce waste in this agency so the budget cuts will not affect current services."
All I remember are things like:
"Without a school budget increase, we will be forced to eliminate the high school football program!"
Right along with mass hysteria, rioting in the streets, dogs and cats living together.
PayGo=PigOut. Let's hope Bush and the Split Senate keep Nancy Piglosi in check.
(Graphic via http://www.azcongresswatch.com)
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