DUers must Revere Nance Greggs!
Until today I have never seen anyone criticize her. Here is the nasty comment:
18 Million Purple Thumbs Was Thanks Enough
People everywhere just wanna be free.
Hmm, I don't think that's so mean. True DUer KiKi jumped on poor Radiophile:
How anyone can read the OP article and then come out with the (____)you're spewing amazes and disgusts me. I would say you should be ashamed, but we all know that Bush supporters have no shame.
enjoy your brief and unappreciated stay.
You might benefit from some kind of psychiatric help right now
Nance herself frequently participates in the groupthink comments, but so far is silent to this "criticism"
Remember all DUers must be anti-Iraq war. All DUers must deny anything good happening in Iraq whilst GWB is in office. They will change this policy if a Democrat wins the presidency. Brains and critical thinking are not needed at Democratic Underground.
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