Ok, this is a sweeping generalization. And the premise I am about to present is hypothetical. So this post is disqualified on two points already. But if you have watched the interchanges between Conservatives and Liberals(um, Progressives?) over the past 30 years, if you are honest, you will get my point. Especially if you have listened to the discourse since the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election, and you keep your knee from jerking in defense, you might understand.
Here's my third disqualifier Liberals are idiotic fools, another sweeping generalization.
Idiotic because they have let their emotions, hatred for Bush, rule over their brain. Anything that makes Bush look bad is good, anything that makes Bush look good is wrong and a conspiracy. Another thing that fuels their idiocy is the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election. They can't get over it. They wallow in it, and view the future only as it relates to the Election.
So if the stock market goes up, it shows that BushCo is making filthly lucre from the deaths of American soldiers. If the stock market goes down, it shows how incompetent Bush is as an economic leader. The world is suddenly very simple. Bad badness and good goodness. No one has mixed motives. Nothing is complicated. And these people are supposedly the intellectuals.
They are fools because they have let their hatred put them on the wrong side of the Global War On Terror. The terrorists will never surrender, never stop trying to kills up. Perhaps not until this generation has passed away. The fools would rather diminish the GWOT, because Bush is for it, than agree that the terrorists, not Bush, are the true enemy of democracy.
But you have heard this conservative rant many times before. Here's something you might not have heard. Here's why Conservatives are better than Liberals. You see Liberals hate Bush and by extension all Conservatives. We Conservatives are stupid, and evil. Every single one of us. According to Liberals there is a special place in Hell for us. They would have loved if Bill O'Reilly had been one of the Fox people kidnapped in the Middle East.
Still maybe a rant you've heard, so here's the shocker. Conservative love Liberals. We really do. There is no amount a ridicule a Liberal can heap upon us that will destroy that love. If a Conservative soldier is dying in battle, no expression of hatred will diminish his/her love for Liberals.
How could this be, you ask?
When Liberals will dance with glee on the grave of George Bush, why would Conservatives not do the same with say John Kerry.
But it is true, we would not. We love John Kerry.
We are dismayed by many things he does, but we love him.
Why do we love him?
Because Conservatives believe Liberals are also something else.
Conservatives believe John Kerry is a Liberal second.
And an American Citizen, first and foremost.
And Conservatives love American Citizens, first and foremost.
And that's why Conservatives are better than Liberals.
Hey there, I just want to say that I really enjoy your blog. I actually got here by accident, my mouse slipping and hitting the 'next blog' button instead of my profile. Regardless, I'm glad it slipped now. The "Why Conservatives are better than Liberals" post just hooked me, while the rest of the blog reeled me in. The world could use more conservative opinion pages.
Thanks Blake, I found myself thinking along these lines, and wanted to get them in writing
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