Friday, September 01, 2006

Republicans: The party of Love

Somebody needs a hug:

They don't care about Al Qaeda, they don't care about protecting America - Katrina proved that - they only care about destroying Democrats and Liberals, period. (Democratic Underground)

WI-Gov: Like all Republicans, Green (R) ignores law
by kos
Thu Aug 31, 2006 at 09:37:57 PM PDT
At least we know he's a real Republican.

Sadly, it seems, the stupidest trolls on the internet have taken over the Washington Post editorial board. What a bunch of hacks unworthy to even scribble their delusionary nonsense on the Wall Street Journal editorial page. (Atrios)

"Love conquers Hate, believe it!" -Naruto

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

someone needs a wedgie