Deploy the Rove-bots against this Kossack. Not only does he use his brain, he understands how the Democrats could gain seats in November. Kos was gloating about how he blew off a chance to get on nationwide TV and talk about Chavez. BradtheDad, reveals his folly.
Learning from mistakes (0 / 0)
In his previous post, Markos decried the Democrats inability to learn from previous mistakes, such as basically hoping the national security issue will go away and that Americans really want to hear about the economy.
Yet in this post, he is making a similar mistake. As Charlie Rangel and Nancy Pelosi realize, condemning Hugo Chavez for debasing himself at the UN is a cost-free way to wave the flag. It does not "defend Bush" as some have charged, and even if it does, in this context that is not a bad thing. Staying silent in the face of Chavez's deranged, unhinged rant is tantamount to assent in this case. Believe me, the American people may not like GOP or its policies, but they will not abandon them if the alternative is a party who can be associated with Hugo Chavez.
It's about the symbolism. Markos could have gone on TV and denounced Chavez in no uncertain terms for behavior unbecoming of a head of state, thereby allying the left-leaning blogosphere with the mainstream of American opinion, which holds that whatever one thinks of Bush, certain rhetoric is out of bounds.
Despite the epic screw-ups of the Republicans, Democrats have not gotten enough traction on national security. One of the reasons, I would argue, is that they don't take opportunities like this to reassure Americans that they will vigorously defend America. Sure, it's purely symbolic. But the GOP has been riding the symbols of national security to power for generations now.
by BradtheDad on Fri Sep 22, 2006 at 09:28:04 AM PDT
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