Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Buyin' a clue for Bobcat at Democratic Underground

Bobcat, or Hughes, or something, is one confused soul. He heard Bush talking about our enemies on September 11th:

"They," the president said tonight describing our so-called enemies, represent a "totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent." For a brief second, as my gaze shifted away from the television, I had a hard time discerning which regime - theirs or ours - he was talking about.

As a public service to Bob, here are the top ten differences between us and them:

10. Them- mandatory beards, Us - Speedo bathing suits prohibited on males over 40

9. Us - Gas guzzlers, Them - goats

8. Them - Women are totally covered, Us - Honey, cover your midriff, pleasssssee

7. Them - Unemployed, Us - Paid to send email jokes to Aunt Ruth

6. Them - Killed by suicide bombers, Us - Bombed to the gills on Manischewitz, what a wine!

5. Them - Prayin three times a day, Us - Prayin for Friday

4. Them - Trips to Mecca, Us - Trips to the 7-11 for corn dogs

3. Them - Blowin up buildings, Us - Blowing up air mattresses for weekend guests

2. Them - Islam, Us - any old religion, or lack thereof

1. Us - Freedom, Them - a whole buncha stuff, that ain't freedom, and is not alota fun, including hate

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