Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Losing Democratic Tactic #9 - Insult voters

Kos has the actual numbers:

71 percent of Republicans are too stupid too realize that Bill Clinton hasn't been in office the last six years

Don't get me wrong, I think a majority of liberals are driven by emotion over logic. But I'm not going to be presumptuous to the point of saying X per cent of Dems or Liberals are stupid.

By the way, calling people stupid tends to make them antagonistic to your cause. But maybe you have an election landside in the making, and can afford to lose votes with frivolous insults. Maybe 0.00% of the 71% would ever vote Democratic. Good Luck!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Was Harry Truman a Terrorist?

Wasn't Harry responsible for about 100,00 civilian deaths? According to the simplistic, Cindy Sheehanesque definition, Truman was real monster. Or maybe we should use a real live growup definition? Just a question!

Friday, September 22, 2006


Deploy the Rove-bots against this Kossack. Not only does he use his brain, he understands how the Democrats could gain seats in November. Kos was gloating about how he blew off a chance to get on nationwide TV and talk about Chavez. BradtheDad, reveals his folly.

Learning from mistakes (0 / 0)
In his previous post, Markos decried the Democrats inability to learn from previous mistakes, such as basically hoping the national security issue will go away and that Americans really want to hear about the economy.
Yet in this post, he is making a similar mistake. As Charlie Rangel and Nancy Pelosi realize, condemning Hugo Chavez for debasing himself at the UN is a cost-free way to wave the flag. It does not "defend Bush" as some have charged, and even if it does, in this context that is not a bad thing. Staying silent in the face of Chavez's deranged, unhinged rant is tantamount to assent in this case. Believe me, the American people may not like GOP or its policies, but they will not abandon them if the alternative is a party who can be associated with Hugo Chavez.
It's about the symbolism. Markos could have gone on TV and denounced Chavez in no uncertain terms for behavior unbecoming of a head of state, thereby allying the left-leaning blogosphere with the mainstream of American opinion, which holds that whatever one thinks of Bush, certain rhetoric is out of bounds.
Despite the epic screw-ups of the Republicans, Democrats have not gotten enough traction on national security. One of the reasons, I would argue, is that they don't take opportunities like this to reassure Americans that they will vigorously defend America. Sure, it's purely symbolic. But the GOP has been riding the symbols of national security to power for generations now.
by BradtheDad on Fri Sep 22, 2006 at 09:28:04 AM PDT

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fox News Anniversary

Growing up conservative before FOX news was a pretty lonely trip. I loved reading George Will, and listening to addresses by Reagan. Paul Harvey helped too. Point/Counterpoint was alotta fire, but too short. God Bless Rush for getting things started. I credit him with codifying what I knew subconciously: "Conservatives are logical and pragmatic, Liberals are emotional." What a concept. Conservatives should thank their lucky stars FOX news exists. For some of us it was a long journey through a one-sided wasteland.

Ace has more:

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

There are no black bloggers in Spanish Harlem

Or so says Bill Clinton:
Bill Clinton's Blogger Rainbow Coalition
– Ace
Why, look at the diversity among liberal NYC bloggers! All races and creeds are represented, from "pale" to "pinkish" to "pasty."
I feel a song comin on:

music into...
"There are no black bloggers in Spanish Harlemmm"
"Bloggers are white in Spanish Harlemmmm"
"They don't drive SUVs,
or eat non-PC cheese,
they like to hug the trees,
they get down on their knees,
for non-democracies,"
And beg their pardon................."

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Buyin' a clue for Bobcat at Democratic Underground

Bobcat, or Hughes, or something, is one confused soul. He heard Bush talking about our enemies on September 11th:

"They," the president said tonight describing our so-called enemies, represent a "totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent." For a brief second, as my gaze shifted away from the television, I had a hard time discerning which regime - theirs or ours - he was talking about.

As a public service to Bob, here are the top ten differences between us and them:

10. Them- mandatory beards, Us - Speedo bathing suits prohibited on males over 40

9. Us - Gas guzzlers, Them - goats

8. Them - Women are totally covered, Us - Honey, cover your midriff, pleasssssee

7. Them - Unemployed, Us - Paid to send email jokes to Aunt Ruth

6. Them - Killed by suicide bombers, Us - Bombed to the gills on Manischewitz, what a wine!

5. Them - Prayin three times a day, Us - Prayin for Friday

4. Them - Trips to Mecca, Us - Trips to the 7-11 for corn dogs

3. Them - Blowin up buildings, Us - Blowing up air mattresses for weekend guests

2. Them - Islam, Us - any old religion, or lack thereof

1. Us - Freedom, Them - a whole buncha stuff, that ain't freedom, and is not alota fun, including hate

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Democratic National Committe desecrates the 9/11 dead

DaNCing on the graves of the 9/11 dead

Our new video highlights the Bush Administration's willingness to use fear and smear tactics to gain political advantage in a tough election year. September 11, 2006

Ballons all around! (Don't question their patriotism)

I hate America (Sing it with me)

I hate America
Land of Karl Rove
Let's deride her
And ride her
To the ground
Till Sadam's back in power
Bomb the mountains
Bomb the prairies
Till Al Gore is inaugurated!
I hate America
I love Osama!
And Alec Baldwin, and George Galloway, and Zawahiri, and Kim Jong Il, and Castro

On today of all days. DailyKos just could not give it a rest.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Carebear Alert

HybridFuel does not like Republicans, and posted his/her thoughts on the Democratic National Committee's blog. Does this comment represent mainstream Democratic viewpoint?:

Posted by HybridFuel on September 7, 2006 at 09:41 AM

Points to Consider:
1) Illicit phone calls to women in workplaces to engage in masturbation are good Republican Christian morals.

2) Republican support for Christian polygamy, white slavery, pedophiles, discrimination towards 80-90% of young men in their society and call it religious banishment and teachings.

Group hug for Hybrid!

Headline you won't see anywhere but here

ACLU defends ABC's 9/11 TV Drama

Today, Dorothy M. Ehrlich as Deputy Executive Director of the ACLU announced all resources will be used to sue the DNC, Daily Kos, and Former President Bill Clinton.

"Free speech is under attack as never before. These groups and others and trying to not only limit free speech, but seriously damage the ability of the press to be the free and "fourth" branch of government that makes our country great."

Patti C. Smith, President and General Manager of KVUE-TV could not be happier.

"The bigger the controversy, the bigger the viewing audience. We've doubled the price of commercial time for the program, and we are still having to turn advertisers away!"

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Why Conservatives love Liberals

Conservatives love Liberals, its true! And as a sweeping generalization Liberals hate Conservatives. Liberals want to see us jailed, beaten, killed, neutered, sterilized, burning in everlasting torment in Hell. Conservatives love Liberals not because we think they are cuddly and cute, (I'm sure some are), but because they are U.S. citizens. If you disrespect a liberal U.S. citizen, you are disrespecting Mom, Apple Pie, Baseball, Nascar, Gun Racks, and the WWF. If you threaten a U.S. liberal citizen, you are threatening all of the above and my hand me down dubble wide. God Bless the Liberals! And fie on anyone who trashes their business in the streets!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Dems put the oxy in oxymoron

Or maybe they put the moron in it, I can't tell:

(2) beginning the phased redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq before the end of this year; (3) working with Iraqi leaders to disarm the militias

Yes they actually put those two side by side. To parapharase Zell: With what are the forces supposed to disarm them, spitballs? How you gonna disarm militias when you been redeployed to say Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Can you just phone it in? Mebbe they need to disarm them before they get redeployed. This makes my head hurt.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Come home Keith, all is forgiven!

But, to date, this government has proved little besides its own arrogance, and its own hubris.
Mr. Rumsfeld is also personally confused, morally or intellectually, about his own standing in this matter. From Iraq to Katrina, to the entire “Fog of Fear” which continues to envelop this nation, he, Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, and their cronies have — inadvertently or intentionally — profited and benefited, both personally, and politically.

Keith Olbermann

Dear Keith,
Perfect love casts out fear.

Republicans: The party of Love

Somebody needs a hug:

They don't care about Al Qaeda, they don't care about protecting America - Katrina proved that - they only care about destroying Democrats and Liberals, period. (Democratic Underground)

WI-Gov: Like all Republicans, Green (R) ignores law
by kos
Thu Aug 31, 2006 at 09:37:57 PM PDT
At least we know he's a real Republican.

Sadly, it seems, the stupidest trolls on the internet have taken over the Washington Post editorial board. What a bunch of hacks unworthy to even scribble their delusionary nonsense on the Wall Street Journal editorial page. (Atrios)

"Love conquers Hate, believe it!" -Naruto