Friday, November 06, 2009
Falling through the cracks, and loving it.
I predict that ObamaCare would be a massive expansion of the federal government, riddled with waste, abuse, fraud, and additional losses of individual freedom, for every citizen. It's not worth it. I am not worth it. To have the nation suffer all that, so I can fill out federal paperwork, is not worth it.
I have wonderful health care. God bless the taxpayers of Cook county, for the stent which saved my life. But please, don't expand the federal government in this sweeping manner. I'll struggle to do better. I'll try to get private insurance. But for now, continue to fall through the cracks. I'll go without medication, regular doctor visits, stress tests, etc. I'll live with pain. My country is worth it.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Obama's speech to schoolchildren
1. He broke faith when he questioned the seriousness of the Tea Party movement.
2. He broke faith when he suggested that the concerns of american people, over health care reform were due to misinformation, and lack of a clear briefing on his plan.
3. He broke faith when he asked U.S. citizens to inform on each other at
4. He broke faith when he repeatedly, falsely claimed the AARP supported his healtcare reform.
After these and other transgressions, the U.S. citizens do not have confidence in their president. They are concerned that he will, in his speech to the children, break faith.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Progressive Healthcare Reform: The Goal and the Naiveté
Their naiveté shows in at least two glaring ways. First, most U.S. citizens are happy with their current health insurance. So they start this fight at a disadvantage. They must convince folks that a radical change is needed to something with which they are satisfied. I don't see any of the propaganda taking this on. I don't even see them admitting folks are okay with their current insurance. I do see numerous stories of individual tragedies, boycotts and threats. But I don't think this strategy is winning many converts.
Second, we live in a capitalist society. The current healthcare reform effort is at odds with a capitalist society. This is especially clear in a "play or pay" reform. If an employer is forced to provide for health insurance, somebody will pay. It will be lost jobs, lower wages, higher costs for the goods or services they will provide. It will not be lower profits. This is a bitter pill for progressives, but it is unrealistic to think the CEO and board will stand before shareholders to tell them they are cutting their dividends to pay for health insurance. The reason the CEO has their job is to increase profits. The federal government cannot force private companies to cut their profits (yet). Therefore the current healthcare reform effort is a threat to small business. To ignore this is to dim the chances for radical healthcare reform.
It seems to me the only way progressives can reach their goal is to change the very nature of this country. And perhaps that is another progressive goal. The strong regulation of every single private (not private for long) business. Bring every employer in line with progressive fairness, as it is defined at that particular point in time. Maybe the current healthcare reform effort was a back door attempt to end capitalism as we know it. Given the freedom loving spirit of the citizens of this country, I don't think progressives have even the tiniest chance of long term success.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Obama’s first amendent rewrite
The definition of fair to be issued after confirmation of Obama Supreme Court appointees.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Obama donation fraud, change he can live with

Saturday, July 28, 2007
It takes a ? to raise a child - early drafts

It takes a cultural revolution to raise a child
It takes a federal agency to raise a child
It takes me to raise your child
It takes a socialist to raise a child
It takes a dictator to raise a child
It takes a law to raise a child
It takes a politician to raise a child
It takes a government program to raise a child
It takes what I think to raise your child
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Cindy Sheehan on the stump....

Cindy talks, no wait, looks for those hurt by the Bush regime. The throngs of the oppressed gathering at the Sacramento Capitol have been photoshopped out of this photo by the Rovian Main Stream Media. Trust her, there are millions!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Immigration Poll
Sunday, March 25, 2007
George Washington on Valley Forge

"After a string of lost battles, now to see men without clothes to cover their nakedness, without blankets to lie upon, without shoes ... without a house or hut to cover them until those could be built, and submitting without a murmur, is a proof of the need for withdrawal of all troops by August of 2008."
- George Washington at Valley Forge, April 21, 1778
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Durbin: Bush flunky
We liberated them from Sadam, dug him out of a hole, forced Sadam to face justicey goodness, helped them draft a constitution, helped them vote in democratic elections, help them set up a new government.
What about Abu Grahib? Doesn't he know George is the greatest terrorist of all time?
What a pathetic Bush tool!
Pelosi on Iraq Resolution

"a political stunt" and "a disservice to our country and to our men and women in uniform."
Oh wait, that was when she was not in leadership. That was on the resolution to imediately withdraw from Iraq November 2005.
Now that she is in power she pushing a similar resolution. I hear it is "symbolic". Whattsamatter? Is "tough, smart" too old school now? And didn't she vote against withdrawl in 2005? I'm so confused.
Monday, January 08, 2007
PayGo: Dem Acrostic

Don't be fooled by the Dems responsible sounding jargon. PayGo translates easily to Pig Out, or Piggo! This silliness is suppose to give cover to rasie taxes. "Oh I'm so sorry to raise your taxes, but if we are going to help those suffering from the horrible tragedy of hangnails, we have no choice!" Again, the Dems think the average Joe/Jane is incredibly stupid.
This power grubbing would go until every American is paying the 70% Michael Moore feels is only fair. That my friends is the real threat to freedom: A federal government with a bloated budget, and the desire to decide what the constitution means by the phrase, "pursit of happiness". Shudder.
There is another way. Boring and unglamourous. It is called spending less, or SpendLess. Is there waste in government? It would be hard to find someone who says no. But when was the last time a government agency responded to cuts this way?
"We will reduce waste in this agency so the budget cuts will not affect current services."
All I remember are things like:
"Without a school budget increase, we will be forced to eliminate the high school football program!"
Right along with mass hysteria, rioting in the streets, dogs and cats living together.
PayGo=PigOut. Let's hope Bush and the Split Senate keep Nancy Piglosi in check.
(Graphic via
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Nancy Pelosi - Republican!

When it came out Bushitler was illegally listening in on every phone conversation on the planet, she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She knew all about it long before the leak. So she decided to cover her tracks by... introducing legislation for Chimps immediate impeachment? No, by writing a LETTER! Wow. Well at least it was a scathing call for impeachment, right? No, it was just a CYA saying she was "concerned". Scrub so has her in his pocket. Rethuglican control continues!!!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The Diebold Dean "Victory"

When Al Gore finally conceded the 2000 election, he went silent and deadly. Seeing that punch cards were on their way out, he initiated a black box operation to steal touch screen elections. It took six years, but working with internet savvy Howard Dean, the criminals have stolen their first of many.
First there are the touch screens with no paper trail, in thirteen states. These are the easiest. Once the ballot is finalized, a simple IF statement is placed just before the ballot is recorded. Republican quietly becomes Dem. Doug Chapin, Director of tried to bring this to light, but his silence has been bought at a hefty price.
David Dill, founder of found many machines with unsecured wireless connections. Deaniacs with laptops and PDAs went right to the databases, bypassing the computer code and changing only the totals themselves. Gore’s deep pockets “found” some incriminating “evidence” against Dill. His story will never get out.
Feeble attempts to close the wireless hole were easily overcome. When an election worker disables the wireless adapter, a simple program is started, after 5 minutes the connection is enabled, and almost no one is the wiser.
Technicians with partisan fury “fixed” the motors advancing the paper trails in fifteen states. The motors burned out, and the paper trail was never printed.
As more and more states move to touchscreens, more and more democratic victories will be “recorded”. This is the real fifty state strategy.
The mainstream media will do nothing, they would sell their grandmother for a democratic victory.
I may be silenced soon. Get the word out, or we are doomed.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Joe Lieberman, Hat Distributor

Liberals are being handed their hats in Connecticut. There is a long line Joe's "Burned you bad!" Hat Emporium, and shuttle service is included. The destination? Outside the sphere of political influence. There's no coming back soon either.
The vilification of Joe was no where near a friendly debate of ideas. As the liberals stare at the burning bridge called "Rape Gurnery Joe" they cannot bring themselves to admit their own failure.
I never understood it from the start. Lieberman had a safe seat. Only the most deluded knew this would be a close election. Instead of adopting a strategy, like winning, the liberals decided to purge the Democratic party of Joe, at any cost. I would have thought trying to win in Missouri and Connecticut would have been much more effective.
Today I feel so embarrassed for Paul Newman. I saw a Youtube ad with him pitching Lamont.
I guess the liberals care more about being "right" than winning elections. But if that is so, why spend all this time and effort in the election arena?
Monday, October 02, 2006
Take my constitution..........please!

Now that the wholesale dismantling of the Constitution has begun, let's celebrate! Passage of the Torture Law shows the Dems are powerless against W. Soon we will have a one party state, and we can begin hunting Democrats with shotguns. Bambi can live without fear as we purge the earth of these traitors. I've already got my spot picked out!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Love a Liberal, they need it

Big ole' smooches for The Wizard at Democratic Underground:
The Wizard (423 posts)
Sun Oct-01-06 11:04 AMResponse to Original message
21. A close look at
John Gibson reveals some form of genetic disorder. This is why the Pox (deliberate typo) audience relates to him. Oh great Zeus, answer my prayers and strike them with your lightning.
Don't forget Wiz, we conservatives love you, because you are an American first, and a Liberal second. God Bless, and get well soon.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Losing Democratic Tactic #9 - Insult voters

Kos has the actual numbers:
71 percent of Republicans are too stupid too realize that Bill Clinton hasn't been in office the last six years
Don't get me wrong, I think a majority of liberals are driven by emotion over logic. But I'm not going to be presumptuous to the point of saying X per cent of Dems or Liberals are stupid.
By the way, calling people stupid tends to make them antagonistic to your cause. But maybe you have an election landside in the making, and can afford to lose votes with frivolous insults. Maybe 0.00% of the 71% would ever vote Democratic. Good Luck!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Was Harry Truman a Terrorist?
Friday, September 22, 2006

Deploy the Rove-bots against this Kossack. Not only does he use his brain, he understands how the Democrats could gain seats in November. Kos was gloating about how he blew off a chance to get on nationwide TV and talk about Chavez. BradtheDad, reveals his folly.
Learning from mistakes (0 / 0)
In his previous post, Markos decried the Democrats inability to learn from previous mistakes, such as basically hoping the national security issue will go away and that Americans really want to hear about the economy.
Yet in this post, he is making a similar mistake. As Charlie Rangel and Nancy Pelosi realize, condemning Hugo Chavez for debasing himself at the UN is a cost-free way to wave the flag. It does not "defend Bush" as some have charged, and even if it does, in this context that is not a bad thing. Staying silent in the face of Chavez's deranged, unhinged rant is tantamount to assent in this case. Believe me, the American people may not like GOP or its policies, but they will not abandon them if the alternative is a party who can be associated with Hugo Chavez.
It's about the symbolism. Markos could have gone on TV and denounced Chavez in no uncertain terms for behavior unbecoming of a head of state, thereby allying the left-leaning blogosphere with the mainstream of American opinion, which holds that whatever one thinks of Bush, certain rhetoric is out of bounds.
Despite the epic screw-ups of the Republicans, Democrats have not gotten enough traction on national security. One of the reasons, I would argue, is that they don't take opportunities like this to reassure Americans that they will vigorously defend America. Sure, it's purely symbolic. But the GOP has been riding the symbols of national security to power for generations now.
by BradtheDad on Fri Sep 22, 2006 at 09:28:04 AM PDT
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Fox News Anniversary

Ace has more:
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
There are no black bloggers in Spanish Harlem

Or so says Bill Clinton:
Bill Clinton's Blogger Rainbow Coalition
– Ace
Why, look at the diversity among liberal NYC bloggers! All races and creeds are represented, from "pale" to "pinkish" to "pasty."
I feel a song comin on:
music into...
"There are no black bloggers in Spanish Harlemmm"
"Bloggers are white in Spanish Harlemmmm"
"They don't drive SUVs,
or eat non-PC cheese,
they like to hug the trees,
they get down on their knees,
for non-democracies,"
And beg their pardon................."
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Buyin' a clue for Bobcat at Democratic Underground

Bobcat, or Hughes, or something, is one confused soul. He heard Bush talking about our enemies on September 11th:
"They," the president said tonight describing our so-called enemies, represent a "totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent." For a brief second, as my gaze shifted away from the television, I had a hard time discerning which regime - theirs or ours - he was talking about.
As a public service to Bob, here are the top ten differences between us and them:
10. Them- mandatory beards, Us - Speedo bathing suits prohibited on males over 40
9. Us - Gas guzzlers, Them - goats
8. Them - Women are totally covered, Us - Honey, cover your midriff, pleasssssee
7. Them - Unemployed, Us - Paid to send email jokes to Aunt Ruth
6. Them - Killed by suicide bombers, Us - Bombed to the gills on Manischewitz, what a wine!
5. Them - Prayin three times a day, Us - Prayin for Friday
4. Them - Trips to Mecca, Us - Trips to the 7-11 for corn dogs
3. Them - Blowin up buildings, Us - Blowing up air mattresses for weekend guests
2. Them - Islam, Us - any old religion, or lack thereof
1. Us - Freedom, Them - a whole buncha stuff, that ain't freedom, and is not alota fun, including hate
Monday, September 11, 2006
The Democratic National Committe desecrates the 9/11 dead

DaNCing on the graves of the 9/11 dead
Our new video highlights the Bush Administration's willingness to use fear and smear tactics to gain political advantage in a tough election year. September 11, 2006
Ballons all around! (Don't question their patriotism)
I hate America (Sing it with me)

I hate America
Land of Karl Rove
Let's deride her
And ride her
To the ground
Till Sadam's back in power
Bomb the mountains
Bomb the prairies
Till Al Gore is inaugurated!
I hate America
I love Osama!
And Alec Baldwin, and George Galloway, and Zawahiri, and Kim Jong Il, and Castro
On today of all days. DailyKos just could not give it a rest.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Carebear Alert

HybridFuel does not like Republicans, and posted his/her thoughts on the Democratic National Committee's blog. Does this comment represent mainstream Democratic viewpoint?:
Posted by HybridFuel on September 7, 2006 at 09:41 AM
Points to Consider:
1) Illicit phone calls to women in workplaces to engage in masturbation are good Republican Christian morals.
2) Republican support for Christian polygamy, white slavery, pedophiles, discrimination towards 80-90% of young men in their society and call it religious banishment and teachings.
Group hug for Hybrid!
Headline you won't see anywhere but here

ACLU defends ABC's 9/11 TV Drama
Today, Dorothy M. Ehrlich as Deputy Executive Director of the ACLU announced all resources will be used to sue the DNC, Daily Kos, and Former President Bill Clinton.
"Free speech is under attack as never before. These groups and others and trying to not only limit free speech, but seriously damage the ability of the press to be the free and "fourth" branch of government that makes our country great."
Patti C. Smith, President and General Manager of KVUE-TV could not be happier.
"The bigger the controversy, the bigger the viewing audience. We've doubled the price of commercial time for the program, and we are still having to turn advertisers away!"
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Why Conservatives love Liberals

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Dems put the oxy in oxymoron

Or maybe they put the moron in it, I can't tell:
(2) beginning the phased redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq before the end of this year; (3) working with Iraqi leaders to disarm the militias
Yes they actually put those two side by side. To parapharase Zell: With what are the forces supposed to disarm them, spitballs? How you gonna disarm militias when you been redeployed to say Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Can you just phone it in? Mebbe they need to disarm them before they get redeployed. This makes my head hurt.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Come home Keith, all is forgiven!

But, to date, this government has proved little besides its own arrogance, and its own hubris.
Mr. Rumsfeld is also personally confused, morally or intellectually, about his own standing in this matter. From Iraq to Katrina, to the entire “Fog of Fear” which continues to envelop this nation, he, Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, and their cronies have — inadvertently or intentionally — profited and benefited, both personally, and politically.
Keith Olbermann
Dear Keith,
Perfect love casts out fear.
Republicans: The party of Love

Somebody needs a hug:
They don't care about Al Qaeda, they don't care about protecting America - Katrina proved that - they only care about destroying Democrats and Liberals, period. (Democratic Underground)
WI-Gov: Like all Republicans, Green (R) ignores law
by kos
Thu Aug 31, 2006 at 09:37:57 PM PDT
At least we know he's a real Republican.
Sadly, it seems, the stupidest trolls on the internet have taken over the Washington Post editorial board. What a bunch of hacks unworthy to even scribble their delusionary nonsense on the Wall Street Journal editorial page. (Atrios)
"Love conquers Hate, believe it!" -Naruto
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Why Conservatives are better than Liberals

Ok, this is a sweeping generalization. And the premise I am about to present is hypothetical. So this post is disqualified on two points already. But if you have watched the interchanges between Conservatives and Liberals(um, Progressives?) over the past 30 years, if you are honest, you will get my point. Especially if you have listened to the discourse since the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election, and you keep your knee from jerking in defense, you might understand.
Here's my third disqualifier Liberals are idiotic fools, another sweeping generalization.
Idiotic because they have let their emotions, hatred for Bush, rule over their brain. Anything that makes Bush look bad is good, anything that makes Bush look good is wrong and a conspiracy. Another thing that fuels their idiocy is the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election. They can't get over it. They wallow in it, and view the future only as it relates to the Election.
So if the stock market goes up, it shows that BushCo is making filthly lucre from the deaths of American soldiers. If the stock market goes down, it shows how incompetent Bush is as an economic leader. The world is suddenly very simple. Bad badness and good goodness. No one has mixed motives. Nothing is complicated. And these people are supposedly the intellectuals.
They are fools because they have let their hatred put them on the wrong side of the Global War On Terror. The terrorists will never surrender, never stop trying to kills up. Perhaps not until this generation has passed away. The fools would rather diminish the GWOT, because Bush is for it, than agree that the terrorists, not Bush, are the true enemy of democracy.
But you have heard this conservative rant many times before. Here's something you might not have heard. Here's why Conservatives are better than Liberals. You see Liberals hate Bush and by extension all Conservatives. We Conservatives are stupid, and evil. Every single one of us. According to Liberals there is a special place in Hell for us. They would have loved if Bill O'Reilly had been one of the Fox people kidnapped in the Middle East.
Still maybe a rant you've heard, so here's the shocker. Conservative love Liberals. We really do. There is no amount a ridicule a Liberal can heap upon us that will destroy that love. If a Conservative soldier is dying in battle, no expression of hatred will diminish his/her love for Liberals.
How could this be, you ask?
When Liberals will dance with glee on the grave of George Bush, why would Conservatives not do the same with say John Kerry.
But it is true, we would not. We love John Kerry.
We are dismayed by many things he does, but we love him.
Why do we love him?
Because Conservatives believe Liberals are also something else.
Conservatives believe John Kerry is a Liberal second.
And an American Citizen, first and foremost.
And Conservatives love American Citizens, first and foremost.
And that's why Conservatives are better than Liberals.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Paranoia watch

Thom Hartmann has a silly piece on the ruling by Taylor and developements in the Jonbent case.
Thom lays it out like this:
It probably took Judge Anna Diggs Taylor around a week to wrap up the wording of her decision, and if the NSA were spying on her without a warrant, the timing of sending off a Boulder agent just in time to generate a sensational headline a week later would be no problem.
Gosh Thom, I know you hate Bush, and can't get over the 2000 Presidential election, but when is your brain gonnna kick in. If Rove was doing anything like what you are talking about, there would be no Air America, you couldn't publish your best sellers, and liberal blogs would be scarcer than hairspray at a Global Warming convention.
Yah Goof.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Losing Democratic Tactic #7 - Overemphasize your point
the hijacking of our Democracy, and the reign of Bush & Company,
Hey, you're progressive (not liberal, that's dirty), we know you don't like Bush and war and his surveillance program. But "hijacking"? If there really was a hijacking the Woodwards and Bersteins would be racking up Pulitzers like crazy. When you talk like that you look silly. The title of this piece is "TAKE BACK THE U.S. HOUSE". Folks ain't gonna help sillies take back the house.
Losing Democratic Tactic #9 - Insult voters

most of what we think of as "swing voters" are either completely clueless...
And, no, saying people are clueless about politics is not necessarily insulting them.
But don't bother using clear language. Lazily grouping the swing voters in the clueless category is just fine. Doing so inspires them to vote democratic. I'm grateful to Atrios for the grammar update.